Saturday, November 27, 2021

Do violent video games cause behavior problems essay

Do violent video games cause behavior problems essay

do violent video games cause behavior problems essay

Aug 12,  · The large amount of weapons, dead bodies and blood shown in the video games makes the teens insensitive to aggression. According to many researches, video games, especially violent video games, make teens aggressive in nature, lazy, violent and unsocial. Video games have been found to be addictive in nature if played uncontrollably Violent images of video games also affect children with behavior and emotional problems whereby some develop bad dreams as they sleep, just to scare them. Being overly involved in playing violent video games leads to many problems as they players spend much time on the games Jan 11,  · The results of violent video games on the overall behavior of children are discussed below. Violent video games increase the eye-hand coordination of players and research supports that such coordination triggers action from the blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

Do Violent Video Games Cause Behavior Problems? | Free Essay Example

This is because, as per investigations, the two used to play numerous violent games such as Wolfenstein 3D and Mortal combat. The recent shooting of students at Sandy Hook made this scenario worse because, according to the preliminary report of the team that was formulated to investigate the matter, the shooter was acting out of a video game fantasy. As compared to a few years ago, nowadays it is very rare to find a child without a video game or who is not actively involved in playing some form of the video game.

This is because, nowadays, even if you do not own a game console, one can play most of the video games online, as long as one has access to the internet or a local network.

When looking at this subject, the first assumption one gets, especially when the question is posed in its entirety, is that a violent game should naturally attract violent tendencies from the one playing the game, as this assumption is supported by the ever-increasing cases of violent and antisocial behavior of the majority of those who play these video games Anderson and Bushman This paper is going to explore how exposure to video games can cause behavioral changes in individuals.

Research has mostly concluded that there is indeed a strong correlation between watching video games and change of behavior. Although in most cases, the method that is mostly used is the meta-analysis statistical methods, interesting enough, do violent video games cause behavior problems essay non-experimental studies have proved that there is a strong relationship between the watching of violent video games and exhibiting aggressive behavior.

For example, in a research study that was conducted by Adachi, Willoughby, and Good to ascertain the relationship between violent video game play and aggression among adolescents, the obtained results showed a great correlation between these two variables, as more violent video play showed an increased level of aggression over time.

The same research findings showed that even after such learners had been subjected to methods of suppressing such behaviors after being involved in active gameplay for a while, they still exhibited the same behavior Adachi, Good, and Willoughby Although research studies show a clear correlation between the playing of violent games and change of behavior, do violent video games cause behavior problems essay, up to date video game makers are in constant denial of the effects of playing violent games.

As much as to some level, the stand of video game makers may be true, logically thinking, this can be said to be a way of protecting their organizations from countless lawsuits that can culminate from them accepting liability of the games inducing the killer instinct.

This is very ironic because even numerous psychological studies have shown that human behavior is normally shaped by the environment, which video do violent video games cause behavior problems essay are part of Anderson 1. As research studies show, violent tendencies that people possess mostly arise from a process of seeing, believing, and then trying it out in real life.

It is here that gamers tend to unionize the game and real-life situation, and this is called perceptual schemata, which is a kind of aggressive behavior indicator. In this scenario, a person becomes paranoid as to the actual course of an event. Long-term effects of violent games also tend do violent video games cause behavior problems essay affect gamers negatively in their perception about society, in terms of how they feel the world views them and what they feel it expects from them.

With the increased violence being observed daily in some gamers, it will not be do violent video games cause behavior problems essay to conclude that most of them tend to have a poor opinion about how to live with other people since all they see and want to do is what they see in games. In most cases, although sometimes some gamers leave the confines of their games and interact with others, they tend to shy away from them since their reality seems to have been replaced with the game content.

This is due to the fact that they tend to think what is happening in the game is real, and this is where problem culminates to application in real life Anderson and Carnagey In addition to the numerous researches, the shootings that have taken place in the United States over the years have sparked debate on the true effect of these violent video games.

According to evidence, it is noted that Harris reinvented the game to suit a real-life situation of his school; whereby, he even went a step further and factored in the enemy the students who were not able to fight back. Although many have refuted the idea that video games played a central part in influencing their behavior, it is hard to clearly ascertain whether it was premeditated murder or not since they took their own lives in the end Anderson 1.

From the above examples, it is not wrong for one to conclude that, if the parents of the two students had taken interest and controlled the kind of games that their children watched, there are high chances that such a massacre could have been prevented.

When critically analyzing the events that preceded the shooting and how the whole shooting was executed, it is not wrong to conclude that watching the video games was a rehearsal of the killing, which they finally achieved.

As most researchers argue, their killing strategy was perfected when they played the game, and the more they played, the more the situation got out of hand because it made their fantasy of achieving their ultimate goal stronger Anderson et al.

Therefore, from evidence, do violent video games cause behavior problems essay, video games are completely corrupting the minds of people; hence, the need for enactment of proper legislation to control their production and selling. Violent video games posses a great threat to humanity because unless something is done to regulate their productions, the chances of the world seeing more violent cases of people shooting others in an endeavor to fulfill their gaming fantasies are high.

On the other hand, although many argue that we have some violent video games that are educative, I do not believe we shall never see any violent video game that is good, even if it boasts some form of educational creativity. Therefore, it is up to the governments to stand up for its people and force game makers to stop the production of such games through the enactment of strict rules and policies for managing this.

In addition to this, parents must also exercise their control over their children in terms of the games that they play. Adachi, Paul, Good, Marie and Willoughby, Teena.

Anderson, Craig et al. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 36 : Anderson, Craig and Bushman, Brad. Anderson, Craig and Carnagey, Nicholas.

Irwin, Roland and Gross, do violent video games cause behavior problems essay, Alan. EduFixers Psychology Do Violent Video Games Cause Behavior Problems? Table of Contents. Why Watching Do violent video games cause behavior problems essay Video Games can Cause Change of Behavior.

Psychological Testing, Its Ethical and Legal Issues. Piaget's and Vygotsky's Child Development Theories, do violent video games cause behavior problems essay.

Video game violence linked to bad behavior, study says

, time: 3:15

Do violent video games cause behavior problems?: Essay

do violent video games cause behavior problems essay

Oct 17,  · In the article “Violent video games do not cause aggression” written by Lester Haines, it states that the university of Illinois carried out studies regarding the possible link between violent video games and real world aggression, concluding their findings from their first long term study to show that the violent games “did not cause any substantial increase in said aggression".Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins As a result of the influences that are associated with games, considering that people’s behaviors are shaped by their environment, there is a clear connection between watching violent video games and change of behavior. Violent video games posses a great threat to humanity because unless something is done to regulate their productions, the chances of the world seeing more violent cases of people Aug 12,  · The large amount of weapons, dead bodies and blood shown in the video games makes the teens insensitive to aggression. According to many researches, video games, especially violent video games, make teens aggressive in nature, lazy, violent and unsocial. Video games have been found to be addictive in nature if played uncontrollably

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